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Business Consulting

Being a Marketing Consultant

In the dynamic world of digital marketing, the role of a consultant has become increasingly prominent over the years. Especially that of a marketing or digital consultant. Some people perceive consulting as more a passive endeavor, where experts merely offer standard advice to clients. Nothing could be further from the truth! Digital marketing consulting is […]

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The Struggles of Solo Entrepreneurs

The Struggles of Solo Entrepreneurs in 2023

Today, we\’re going to talk a little bit about the struggles solo entrepreneurs face in 2023. Actually, they\’re very similar to the struggles entrepreneurs faced in 2020, and even in the years leading up to that. These struggles, let\’s call them \”Evergreen,\” encompass various aspects. For example, we can discuss the limitations of time and

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MailPoet and WordPress work perfectly together.

Creating Your Online Newsletter Using MailPoet and WordPress

Would publishing a monthly newsletter help you grow your business in 2023? Absolutely! Especially if you’re a “solo brand.” There are more reasons, at least in my own mind, to publish a newsletter than not. Entrepreneurs and marketers have been using newsletters since the days of Benjamin Franklin to establish themselves as a trusted authority.

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long form content

Long Form Content Creation for Marketing and SEO

Introduction Today, we’re going to talk about search engine optimization (SEO) and the power of long form content. In today\’s online business world, having a solid SEO strategy is critical to ensuring your website\’s visibility and driving organic traffic. Over time, the one key element that has emerged as a game-changer in making this happen

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